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Clarity Quest

Ed's Story: Same Job. New Organization. New Life

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Ed lost his job suddenly after working for the same company for twenty-five years. He was looking for a new job and decided to go through the Clarity Quest program because he knew that he should be at his best while he was in the process of searching for a new position. He had only been out of work for a week, but he could already see how easy it was to get off track. He found himself struggling constantly with low self-esteem, loss of identity, disbelief, anger and fear.

Ed was very frightened when he first started Clarity Quest. He wasn't ready for retirement but wasn't sure that he had any valuable or transferable skills. He'd been in middle management for many years, he was twenty pounds overweight, he smoked, and he didn't exercise.

Ed welcomed the daily activities of the Clarity Quest program. They gave him something to do while he pursued the classifieds every day and talked to headhunters. He really didn't think that he would be changing his life much; he just wanted to get on with it.

Much to his surprise, Clarity Quest did change his life -- for the better. He started practicing the breathing exercises and meditation, eating healthy foods, and going on long walks in the evening. He had more energy and started feeling better about himself. Ed lost ten pounds in the first month and felt like he'd also lost ten years. He started taking nature hikes and looking forward to a new outdoor adventure every weekend. Ed felt happier and healthier than he had felt in a long time. He organized his home and office and eliminated clutter. He felt more vibrant and relaxed, both physically and emotionally, than he ever had.

Ed interviewed for the same position in another company and was their first choice. He has rerouted his life in positive directions and is looking forward to working another twenty-five years for his new company.

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