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Clarity Quest

Sarah's Story: Clear Focus. New Opportunities

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Sarah, a human resource manager for a marketing consulting company, had been worried about losing her job for two years. The company's profits were down, and the upper level management team had tossed around several restructuring plans. She knew all about them. Her boss had been involved in these meetings and had talked candidly to her staff. Sarah's fears left her paralyzed and unable to explore other job opportunities in her company or elsewhere.

When Sarah started the Clarity Quest program, she was filled with fear and hadn't been sleeping well. She had two small children and was finding it difficult to juggle her own needs with those of her family. She wasn't sure that she could complete the eight-week program, but after the first few weeks she was sleeping better and feeling more relaxed. She decided to go the distance and committed to finishing her Clarity Quest. She made a positive statement to herself and others that she was willing to take control of her own life and career.

The minute she decided to take control, some wonderful things started to happen. Out of the blue, an old classmate called and wanted to get together for lunch. Her classmate was involved in a start-up software development company and wanted to know if Sarah was interested in joining the team. Sarah was flattered, but not sure if she was ready to make the move.

She continued working through her Clarity Quest and scheduled her week-long getaway. During that time, she brainstormed several different career possibilities, which helped her clarify what she wanted to do and the direction she wanted to take. Her friend's job offer had been tempting, but during the getaway Sarah discovered that she valued a regular paycheck and liked working regular, eight-hour days. The new job possibility wouldn't be a good match for her. She saw that she enjoyed working in human resources but wanted something more stable.

When Sarah returned from her getaway, she called her classmate to talk about her decision. They discussed the direction Sarah wanted to take, and her friend graciously gave her the name of someone to call in a large, stable company. Sarah made the call and, to her delight, discovered that the company was interviewing for a human resources position. She applied and got the job.

Sarah learned that when you make a commitment to take action, your fears begin to dissolve. When you open your mind to new possibilities, exciting things start to happen.

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